lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2018


    Today, translation present practically of any form in our surroundings: from films, web pages, songs and the traditional books. All people have been exposed to some type of material translated by the study, in readings or work or social environments.

    However, despite this, people do not realize the importance of translation in our lives and has had in cultures; and not only that, but the importance it has in the diffusion and interpretation not only of art but more importantly, of knowledge itself.
The communicative method that emphasizes the teaching of English to English (Willis, 1981). A method that has allowed to improve the ability of speech and allowed to improve the techniques of translation in time. An important factor in the work environment because it opens many doors and allows to create many communicative.

    According to O 'Malley and Chamot, translation is the only typical strategy of language learning. The purpose of translation is to help students develop their knowledge of English, serving as a solid foundation for building translation skills.

   Language teaching involves approaches that lead to methods, methods that are broken down into procedures, and procedures that are a collection of techniques. Understanding how these concepts interrelate can help a teacher know the reasons behind their choices in how they choose to teach.
According to Rivers & Temperley (1978) the translation is useful both from L2 to L1 (direct translation) and from L1 to L2 (reverse translation): from L2 to L1 (direct translation) is useful to clarify the meaning of abstract concepts, Functional words and logical connectors, as well as idiomatic expressions.

     Not every translation is an adaptation and not every adaptation is a translation but there could be cases of adaptation that we could still include under the title translation.  Different from what Logos Group (2014) states, if we chop a text because of a requirement of the assignment provider, say space, we are not necessarily doing professional translation because we must comply with the principle of accuracy when doing professional translation.

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